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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Middleville AYSO Region 277

Spring Update

Middleville AYSO does not normally have a spring only season. We are currently half way through our current season. Our playing season is both Fall and Spring. Teams are formed in August. Practices begin when TK Schools start. Fall games start after Labor Day. We take a break over the winter, and then the same teams start up again in April after TK spring break, playing into early June.

With that being said, we may have the opportunity to add teams/players for the second half of the season this spring. Registration is not yet available for any open spring roster spots. If/when we know that we will be able to add players for the spring registration or wait lists will be posted on our Registration FAQ page: These would not be posted before February 23rd.

We will most likely also advertise any open spaces on our Facebook page:
We currently expect registration for next season to begin by Memorial Day.

Fall 2024/Spring 2025

May 1: Registration Opens
June 12: Last Day for Early Bird Discount
July 20: Last Day for Registration

Fall 2024
August 19 & 26: Practices Begin for 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U
August 26: 4U Playground Begins
August 27: 5U Schoolyard Begins
August 28: 6U Begins
August 29: 7U Begins
September 6: Games Begin for 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U

October 26: Last Game Day of Fall 2024

Spring 2025
April 14: Practices Begin for 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 19U
April 14: Playground Begins
April 15: Schoolyard Begins
April 16: 6U Begins
April 17: 7U Begins
April 19: Games Begin for 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 19U
June 7: Last Game Day of Spring 2025

Required Equipment for Players

Shin Guards
Every player at every level is required to wear shin guards fully covered by tall socks.

Water Bottle
Every player needs to have plenty of water at each practice and game. Be prepared for warm days with more than you think you might need

Soccer Ball
Every player needs to bring their own soccer ball to each practice and game
Coaches are provided with a game ball, but they may not have enough balls for each player
Size 3 for 4U, 5U, 6U, 8U
Size 4 for 10U, 12U
Size 5 for 14U

Soccer Cleats are Not Required
If a player chooses to wear cleats they must be soccer cleats
No baseball or football cleats are allowed

Age Determination

In what division will my player play?
AYSO has a birth year registration system in order to align with other  American youth soccer program providers' interpretation of the U.S. Soccer Player Development Initiatives.
The effective date of age determination for registration shall be the player's age as of December 31 looking ahead of the Membership Year. Example: For MY21 the division the player will be placed in will be determined based on their age as of December 31, 2022. This age determination does not apply to the Playground division.
To help in determining the proper age and division for players, the following chart is provided and guidelines and rules are as follows.
AYSO Membership Year Birth Year Registration Chart
Players are not allowed to play in a division below their birth year.

Birth Years for Fall 2024/Spring 2025 (AYSO MY24)
4U: 2021
5U: 2020
6U: 2019
7U: 2018
8U: 2017
10U: 2015 & 2016
12U: 2013 & 2014
14U: 2011 & 2012
19U: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006

Parent FAQ


Please look through the Parent FAQ before you register your player. There is very important information in this FAQ that you need to know.

Weather Policy
Refund Policy
Pet Policy
AYSO Age Guide

How To

Register a Player
Sign up to be a Volunteer

Season Layout

Middleville AYSO's playing season is both Fall and Spring. Registration begins in May, and ends in July. Teams are formed in August. Practices begin when TK Schools start. Fall games start after Labor Day. We take a break over the winter, and then the same teams start up again in April playing into early June.
There are no refunds for players choosing not to play the second half of the season.

Team Central

Rosters and schedules are posted to Team Central. You must log in to view Team Central. You may need to select the Program and Division in order to narrow down the page to display your team.

Link: Team Central

Refund Policy

Refund Policy as of April 2021

Non Refundable Fees

AYSO Membership Fee
Sport Connect Transaction Fee

Refund Availability minus Non Refundable Fees
During May & June: Full
During the first two weeks of July: Half
During the third week of July and later: None

There are no refunds for players choosing not to play the second half of the season.
There are no refunds for players joining the spring half of the season.


DivisionRegistration FeeAYSO Membership Fee
4U Playground$65$25
5U Schoolyard$65$25
6U Coed$105$25
7U Coed$105$25
8U Coed$105$25
10U Boys/Girls$115$25
12U Boys/Girls$115$25
14U Boys/Girls$115$25
19U Coed
Spring Only

The AYSO Membership Fee covers insurance and other costs for services provided by the National AYSO program.
Early Bird Discounts are available through June 12.
Discounts are also available for households with three or more players.

Sports Connect charges a $2.75 service fee for each transaction. A transaction is each time you complete the checkout process. If you register one or more players at the same time, it's one transaction. If you register one player and check out, then register another player at a later time, you will be charged the Service Fee twice, once for each transaction


How will I get my player's uniform?
Uniform pick up for 4U, 5U, 6U, & 7U will be before their first activity. Days/Times will be communicated.
All other division coaches will have their uniform kits at practice before their first game.

Where do practices take place?
All practices take place on the Middleville AYSO Fields at TK Middle School:
Thornapple Kellogg Middle School
10375 Green Lake Rd, Middleville, MI 49333
Field Layout

Where do games take place?
Divisions; 4U Playground, 5U Schoolyard, 6U, 7U, 8U All activities take place at the Middleville AYSO Fields
Divisions; 10U, 12U, 14U, 19U All home games take place at the Middleville AYSO Fields.
The 10U, 12U, 14U divisions travel to other regions in AYSO Area J for games. 12U & 14U players may travel to any Area J regions. Our 10U team will travel, but traditionally travel less and closer to Middleville.

AYSO Area J Fields
How often do players have games/practices?
These are the typical amount of activities players will participate in during a week.
4U Playground meets on Monday at 6 pm weekly
5U Schoolyard meets on Tuesday at 6 pm weekly
6U meets on Wednesday at 6 pm weekly
7U meets on Thursday at 6 pm weekly
8U has one practice a week and a game on Friday/Saturday
10U, 12U, 14U has two practices a week with a game on Saturday

Can I select specific practice days when I register?
No, unless you are the coach of an 8U & up team. Coaches choose their team’s practice night. This is one of the advantages to coaching your player’s team!
Our coaches are flexible. They will contact you regarding working out a practice night that works for all the players on the team.

Can I select a specific coach when I register?

No. We will not honor any requests for a specific coach. Coaches cannot request specific players.

Can I request that my player play with a specific player?

We will not honor player requests. If you coach with another parent then your players will be placed on the same team with both of the parents as the coaches.

My player's other parent registered my child, how do I log into their account?
The Primary Account User can send you an invite to be an Additional User on the account with which your child was registered. To invite an Additional User to your account, click on the gear icon in your account to "Edit Account Info", scroll to bottom of Primary Parent/Guardian Info page and click on the green "Add Secondary Account Holder" button.

I don't see my Team Page.
You may have created an account separate from the account used to register your child. In order to view your child's Team Page, you must be logged in with a username associated with the account used to register your child. Only team members may view the Team Page. Have the Primary Account holder invite you to be an Additional User on their account or email our Webmaster, Jason Holzhausen [email protected] to merge your separate account with the account used to register your child.

How do I know what team my player is on?

Your player's coach will contact you once they receive the team roster. This will be during August.

How do I know my player's game schedule?

Schedules are finalized prior to the start of the season. Coach will communicate schedules to you.

How many coaches are assigned per team?

At least one coach is assigned per team, preferably two. It all depends on the number of volunteers who have registered. If your player’s team has only one coach, please consider volunteering to be the assistant coach. Everyone needs a back-up.


Below are the uniform measurements from our supplier. Click the image for a larger view.

Wait List Information

  • If your player's division below shows that it is 'Wait List Only' please do still sign up. These divisions may be on a wait list because we do not have enough volunteer coaches.
  • Without your player's name on the wait list we have no way of knowing what the actual interest is for that division.
  • If your player is activated from the wait list you will receive an email asking for you to complete registration.
  • If you have any questions at all please email [email protected] or call 269-804-3629.

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Team Personnel Listing

Register Now

Fall 2024/Spring 2025

Head Coach
Assistant Coach 

Referee 2024/2025


National Partners

Contact Us

Middleville AYSO Region 277

P.O. Box 426 
Middleville, Michigan 49333

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 269-804-3629
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