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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Middleville AYSO Region 277

Refund Policy

Refund Policy as of April 2021

Non Refundable Fees

AYSO Membership Fee
Sport Connect Transaction Fee

Refund Availability minus Non Refundable Fees
During May & June: Full
During the first two weeks of July: Half
During the third week of July and later: None

There are no refunds for players choosing not to play the second half of the season.
There are no refunds for players joining the spring half of the season.

Refund Guidlines

1.) Refunding a player registration fee will be reviewed once written notification has been given to the Regional Commissioner. You may either mail your request to Middleville AYSO, PO Box 426, Middleville, MI 49333 or email your request to [email protected]. To expedite your refund, you must supply the following information in your written request:

• Parent Name 
• Child's Name 
• Home Address 
• Email Address  
• Phone Number 
• Reason for Refund Request

2.) Refunds are not provided because families cannot, or will not accommodate their schedules to attend practice or game times. 

3.) Refunds are not provided because Middleville AYSO will not accommodate a specific coach/team request or car pool request. 

4.) Refunds are not provided from game cancellations due to weather. 

5.) Injuries are a part of all sports at any level and are not generally considered as a reason for a refund.

6.) The AYSO Membership Fee is non-refundable. We are unable to return the membership fee for any participant for any reason.

7.) Middleville AYSO reserves the right to change this policy at any time and to deny or approve a refund for any reason. We strive for consistency and fairness and will evaluate every request objectively. However, there may be circumstances that Middleville AYSO did not foresee when forming this refund policy that may require us to deny or approve a particular refund request or to change the refund policy.

Sports Connect Transaction Fee

.Beginning with MY2020, the 2020/2021 season, our Regional Management System, Sports Connect, will be charging a $2.75 transaction/service fee with every payment transaction.

A transaction is each time you complete the checkout process.  If you register, one or more players, at the same time, its one transaction. If you register one player and check out, then register another player at a later time, you will be charged the Service Fee twice, once for each transaction.

This also applies to payment plans; each payment will have a transaction fee, as each payment is a separate transaction.

This does NOT apply to volunteer registration as no transaction takes place.

Middleville AYSO, or AYSO National receives no part of the service fee. We are unable to refund the service fee under any circumstance.

The transaction fee represents an exclusive discount that AYSO has secured, which is below the going market rate for similar systems. Unlike other Sports Connect soccer partners that are paying monthly fees, increased credit card processing rates, and a full-service fee, AYSO has secured this discounted offer by sponsoring some of the software cost and providing a lower fee to our membership.

National Partners

Contact Us

Middleville AYSO Region 277

P.O. Box 426 
Middleville, Michigan 49333

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 269-804-3629
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